Surviving drought and heat

Many orchids have their origin in the Mediterranean region and are able to colonize extreme sites of dry grasslands, with very few nutrients, lack of water in summer and strong temperature fluctuations.

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green-winged orchid

Anacamptis morio

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pyramidal orchid

Anacamptis pyramidalis

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dark-red helleborine, royal helleborine

Epipactis atrorubens

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fragrant orchid

Gymnadenia conopsea

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short-spurred fragrant orchid

Gymnadenia odoratissima

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musk orchid

Herminium monorchis

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lizard orchid

Himantoglossum hircinum

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three-toothed orchid

Neotinea tridentata

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burnt orchid

Neotinea ustulata

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bee orchid

Ophrys apifera

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late spider orchid

Ophrys holosericea

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fly orchid

Ophrys insectifera

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early spider orchid

Ophrys sphegodes

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man orchid

Orchis anthropophora

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Orchis mascula

Orchis mascula

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military orchid

Orchis militaris

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lady orchid

Orchis purpurea

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monkey orchid

Orchis simia