Flowering period
June - August
Threat status ?
Critically endangered
Scientific name
Epipogium aphyllum

ghost orchid

LB: Ouniblat-Geeschterorchidee FR: épipogon sans feuilles DE: Blattloser Widerbart

The ghost orchid also appears yellowish brown, as it does not form any leaf green and feeds exclusively on its fungal partners. The flowers of the ghost orchid can be seen for a few days in July only in rainy years with high humidity and warmth . The species lives hidden in the moist mulm of dark, old beech forests. The only known current occurrence of the ghost orchid in the Benelux region is in a sloping beech forest near Walferdingen.
Observations on GBIF.org: green-blue: before 2005, yellow-orange: after 2005, darker colour indicates more observations.